Systems Biotechnology Group

Research Areas

  • Fundamental, developmental, and applied researches in bioinformatics and systems biology,    
  • Developing recombinant lineage or increasing the potentials of micro-organisms utilized in agricultural, mine, petroleum, environmental and energy industries based on system perception using the methods of genetic engineering, protein and metabolic engineering, genomics, metabolomics and proteomics,    
  • Improving proteins structure in order to be applied in industry, medicine, medication by using innovative methods of bioinformatics and systems biology,    
  • Software modeling, planning and synthesis of new proteins with high efficiency in biotechnological processes,    

Ms. Z. Minuchehr, PhD

Manager of the Group

S. AliFatemi, PhD

Associate Professor

Amir Masoud Yaghoobi

Research Assistant

G. Ahmadian, PhD


N. Allahyari, PhD

Assistant Professor

Ms. Mahsa Zarei

Research Assistant

A. Karkhane, PhD

Associate Professor

B. Bambai, PhD

Assistant Professor